Various types of standardized psychological tests will be used during the assessment of intellectual disabilities at our facility. These tests will assess intelligence (IQ), learning abilities, and behavioral skills. 

Psychological assessments will be done only by properly trained and qualified in psychological assessment at our site. This includes psychologists and psychological associates. No assessments will be undertaken without the written informed consent of the parent or legal guardian 


A cognitive and intellectual test is a comprehensive assessment that involves gathering information on an individual’s performance on a standardized intelligence test. The goal of a cognitive assessment is further to understand an individual’s cognitive abilities and profile. 

We will also assess cognitive functioning and determine levels of intellectual abilities in the individuals. In addition, specific measures will be included in the test to assess: short and long term memory; receptive and expressive language; verbal and non-verbal abstract reasoning or logic; attention span; visual perceptual abilities including various spatial tasks; sequencing, right-left orientation, and fine motor dexterity; and organizational and planning skills.