Our professionals will conduct comprehensive academic assessments (psychological, educational assessment, IPRC, educational support), which are required to diagnose a learning disability. An academic assessment gathers relevant information about an individual’s areas of strengths and challenges to determine whether they may have a learning disability. This process will involve an interview and a series of different types of tests, which may take several hours and require more than one appointment. The steps involved will be: 

The individual’s primary skill areas of reading, spelling, written expression, and mathematics will be evaluated. The profile of reading subskills will be determined (e.g., reading, vocabulary, word recognition, comprehension of paragraphs, and phonemic awareness); math computation and problem-solving; mechanical and creative aspects of writing. We will outline an effective plan to remediate or compensate for the academic difficulties with this detailed information. 

Study skills, organizational and workplace skills, and time management are other areas that will be assessed along with the basic skills. Learning disabilities screening questionnaires will be used to assess the individual’s perception of areas of ability and difficulty, life skills, specific academic problems, and workplace issues.